Our Yoga Teachers forum is a chance for the many teachers in and around Brighton to have a space to share and discuss their experience guiding classes and to learn on their journey as space holders in this work.
They have been a place of community, socialising and new learning with a focussed teaching each time.
Topics discussed have included:
- Yoga for autism;
- Yoga for the 3rd age;
- Yoga for those recovering from trauma;
- Teaching yoga 1-2-1;
- Yoga adjustments;
- Yoga for mental health;
- Accountancy issues for yoga teachers
Following feedback from our last one, we’re happy to announce our next Teachers forum : Cultural Appropriation & appreciation in Yoga.
This is an important conversation to be had especially if we are guiding Yoga in the West. It is one that has to be understood if we want to honour the true roots of this practice.

What does it mean to teach yoga in a sensitive way?
Experienced teacher Hannah Weller led a discussion and short practice with space for questions.